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Linux IT SupportSometimes it is a good idea to schedule a regular reboots, to clear the memory and remove any crashed processes.

This can be easily achieved by adding the task to a cron tab (Linux scheduling system):

First, open the crontab (as a root):

crontab -e

and add a line similar to this:

ubuntu10If a linux reboot fails by just running the reboot command (sometimes there are run away or hanging processes), you may get the following errors (if you view the logs of systemctl, it will give you a better indication of what is crashing and not letting it reboot):

Failed to start Connection timed out
See system logs and 'systemctl status' for details.

A quick way to fix this (short of pulling the plug), is to force reboot using systemctl:

ubuntu10We'll use Ubuntu for this example, but essentially you need an ntfs-3g package, which contains ntfsfix. Under Ubuntu, run the following to install it:

sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g

Then this (where /dev/sdd1 would be your ntfs disk):

ntfsfix /dev/sdd1

Depending on what you are trying to fix, you may want to use options -b and -d.

Ubuntu Support and Consulting

This works on any modern distribution of Linux, but we are using Ubuntu 14.04 for the process. First, install CIFS/Samba tools, required to mount the share point:

In Ubuntu:

apt-get install cifs-utils

Now let's create the credentials file:

mysql logoThis comes up many times when you need to add a backup super user to MySQL (or MariaDB). Passwords are lost, forgotten, etc and although MySQL allows for a fairly quick password reset, it is always a good idea to have a backup.

Login as root and run the following query. It will add a new user, called "sysadminuser", with access to localhost (ie: the current machine locally). This new user will be allowed to login using the password: "passwordfortheuser". (Change these as needed):

Last updated Dec 11, 2024